Analytics Dashboard

The Dashboard provides a comprehensive view of key metrics, enabling users to monitor applicant progress, verification statuses, and system performance across various dimensions. The dashboard is divided into distinct sections, each designed to offer a quick glance into the platform’s core activities and health.

Key Metrics (Top Bar)

The top section of the dashboard highlights six key application statuses within a selected date range (e.g., Today, Last 7 Days, Last 28 Days):

  • Applicants Number: The total count of applicants created.

  • Applications in Review: The number of applications currently undergoing verification.

  • Applications Completed: The count of fully completed applications.

  • Applicants Approved: The number of applications that have been successfully approved.

  • Applicants Rejected: The count of applications that were rejected.

The user can filter the data by selecting a specific date range, which will automatically update all displayed information.

Graph: Number of Applicants Created Per Date

This graph displays the daily count of applicants created within the chosen time frame, allowing users to track activity trends, such as peaks and troughs in applicant submissions over time.

Applicant Status Overview

This bar chart shows a breakdown of applicant status across categories:

  • Completed: Applicants whose verification process is finished.

  • In Progress: Applicants whose verification is ongoing.

  • Incomplete: Applicants with incomplete submissions.

  • Approved/Rejected: Applicants whose verifications resulted in approval or rejection.

Total Applicant Warnings

This donut chart presents the total number of warnings triggered across all applicants:

  • Unresolved: Warnings that are yet to be addressed.

  • Resolved: Warnings that have been reviewed and cleared.

Applicants Distribution by Country / Phone Number Origin / Document Origin

This section features a world map highlighting the geographical distribution of applicants based on their country of residence, phone number or document origin. A list on the right shows the top countries with the highest number of applicants, such as Ukraine, Spain, and the United Kingdom, for instance.

Verification Overview

This line chart displays the number of verifications conducted within the selected date range, distinguishing between:

  • Successful Verifications: Completed successfully.

  • Failed Verifications: Those that did not meet the verification criteria or encountered technical issues during the process.

Failed Verification Stages Overview

This chart illustrates at which stage the verification process failed. It helps users identify common failure points and take corrective action to improve the verification process.

Performance Comparisons

There are three performance charts that provide a comparative analysis:

  • Successful Verifications Number Compared by Date Range: This line chart compares the number of successful verifications with the target, showing how close or far it is from reaching the goal.

  • Total Verifications Compared by Average Number: Shows how the total number of verifications compares to the platform’s average over a specific period, highlighting if it is above or below target.

  • Successful Verifications Number Compared with Failed: This line chart contrasts successful and failed verifications, helping users monitor the success rate.

Successful Services Breakdown

A pie chart provides an overview of the success rate across various verification services:

  • Liveness: The percentage of successful liveness checks.

  • Questionnaire Results: Successful completion of questionnaires.

  • OTP Verification: Verification through one-time passwords.

  • Document Check: Completion rate for document verification.

  • Face Match: Success rate for facial comparison.

  • AML: Success rate for AML (Anti-Money Laundering) checks.

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