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Verification statuses help track the progress and outcomes of each verification process, providing clear indicators of where each applicant stands in the verification journey.
Here’s a detailed description of all the verification statuses:
If the verification flow is restarted or changed for the user, the verification status is updated accordingly. This ensures that the status accurately reflects the current state of the verification process and any changes that have been made.
This status is assigned when the applicant is created.
No actions are required from either the client or the end-user at this stage. The user may not have started the verification process yet.
This status indicates that the user initiated the verification but didn't provide all the required details.
The verification process remains unfinished, and the user needs to complete the required actions.
This status is assigned when the user has completed all the actions on their side.
Background checks have started, and the system is processing the provided data.
This status indicates that the verification is under scrutiny due to suspicious activities.
The system cannot finalize the verification without manual intervention, often due to duplicates or suspicious documents.
This status is assigned when the user has completed all required actions and provided all necessary data.
All actions from the system side are completed as well, and the verification process is finished.
The applicant has passed the verification process successfully.
The applicant has not passed the verification process, and specific reasons for the decline are noted by the compliance officer.
This status is assigned when the compliance officer has approved the verification. In case the is switched on, the status can be assigned automatically by the system.
This status is assigned when the compliance officer has declined the verification. In case the is switched on, the status can be assigned automatically by the system.